Skills for the Future

Disability Awareness Month – March 2024
March marks Disability Awareness Month But what does that have to do with our spaces, and how can you ensure your space is accessible on all platforms? – 1 in 4 people are disabled- A quarter of your potential audience might be unable to visit or interact with...
Employer Week: 11th – 15th March 2024
Warrington & Vale Royal College is committed to being a place where a qualification becomes a career. A key element of this ethos is providing students with opportunities to meet and engage with a range of employers. This underpins their entire time at college,...
Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs)
Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) were introduced by the Department for Education (DfE) in Autumn 2022, with the aim of reshaping skills training provision to better meet the local needs of employers and the wider economy.  They are intended to: place employers...